We Understand Your Challenges Because We’ve Been There Too

Companies across industries like to boast that they listen intently to their customers and understand their every need. We don’t doubt they care about their customers, but can they truly put themselves in the shoes of their users? Do they really understand the challenges of doing the grunt work o...

All the Things You Wish Your Lending Software Could Do

If you had three wishes for your lending software, what would you wish? (And yes, wishing for more wishes is an acceptable answer.) That’s because building reliable software isn’t finite — it’s a continuum of iterations and modifications to meet users’ needs and adapt to changing times.  Thi...

3 Ways to Convince Your Boss Automated Loans are Better

You’ve seen it. You’ve researched it. You’ve longed for an automated loan tool to make your life easier. But convincing your boss to invest in loan automation software may seem easier said than done. Luckily, the benefits far outweigh the costs, making it an easy sell for managers who are concern...